2.3. Edit private (index) trees

How to organize and manage the items in a private area:

Click on the link [Edit Private Tree] at "XooNIps User Menu".

Figure 5.13. Edit private trees.

  1. How to register a new keyword:

    Enter a new keyword in the field "New Index Keyword", and click on the [register] button.

    Figure 5.14. Edit private trees

    A new index keyword will be registered underneath the private tree

    Figure 5.15. Register a new keyword to the private index.

  2. How to change keywords:

    Registered keywords can be modified.

    Check the keyword to be modified and enter a new keyword in the field "Rename to", then click on the [rename] button.

    Figure 5.16. Change keywords

    The keyword "tool" has been changed to "model".

    Figure 5.17. Index Tree with a changed keyword.

  3. How to delete a keyword:

    Check the checkbox of the keyword to be deleted and click on the [delete] button.

    Figure 5.18. Delete a keyword

    Figure 5.19. Index (the keyword has been deleted)

  4. Change the order of keywords:

    How to change the order of Keywords:

    Indicate a number from 1 to 10 from the dropdown list at "up/down".

    Figure 5.20. Change the order of keywords

    Figure 5.21. Index (the order of keywords has been changed)

  5. Shift keywords

    How to shift keywords:

    Choose one from the dropdown list next to the [move to] button and click on it.

    Figure 5.22. Shift keywords

    To show the result, click on the [open all] button at the "Index Tree".

    Figure 5.23. Show the shifted keyword

    The keyword [tool] has been shifted underneath [model].

    Figure 5.24. Index (the keyword has been shifted)

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