
Module XooNIps: Neuroinformatics Base Platform System

for XOOPS 2.10+

Module Version 3.49

Tutorial Version 3.45

User Manual

© 2020 XOOPS Project , XooNIps, Riken

Module Purpose

XooNIps is an easy-to-use software that can facilitates building a database-driven website for organizing enormous volume of information in various types of electronic formats, such as research papers, experimental data, mathematical models, and programs along with the metadata, and to share them with users worldwide on the internet.

Figure 1: Main view of the XooNIps Architecture

You can fork the module --> here)

How to Contribute

You can contribute on GitHub. Changes will be pushed to automatically when the main repository changes.

Editing the book can be done either by updating the markdown files with a text editor, or opening the repository in the Gitbook desktop app. The desktop app will give you a live preview option.

Table of Content


All derivative works are to be attributed to XOOPS Project , XooNIps, Riken

Last updated