2.2. 'User Management' (XooNIps>>Maintenance>>User Management)
How to manage user information (editing/deleting user information, registering new users, etc.).
Figure 4.17. "User Management"
Click on a pen-icon to edit user information.
Click on a X-icon to delete user information.
2.2.1. "Register New user" (click on [Register New User], upper right of the "User Management" screen).
Edit the new user's information. The required fields are indicated by "*". Fill out the fields and click on [UPDATE] below.
Use this screen for changing passwords.
The required fields vary with the setups made on (XooNIps - Site Policies -) User Information.
Enter a handle (online name) of the user to be displayed on XooNIps
Real Name
Enter the user's real name
Enter email address. Check the checkbox if allow other users to view the email address.
Enter the URL to be published.
User's Groups
Choose a XOOPS group which the user belongs to.
Table 4.8. "User's Groups"
Choose the user's position from the pulldown list.
Enter the division the user belongs to.
Company Name
Enter the company/university/institution name the user belongs to.
Phone Number
Enter the telephone number if wish to publish it.
FAX Number
Enter the fax number if wish to publish it.
Enter the address if wish to publish it.
Enter the country where the user live.
Enter the ZIP code, if wish to publish it.
Time zone
Choose a time zone according to the user's country.
Enter the user's interests, if wish to publish it.
Free Description
Describe anything you want.
Enter the user's signature. Check/uncheck the checkbox "Always attach my signature".
Register a password.
Verify Password
Enter the password again to confirm it.
New Item Mail Notification [per day]
Set the frequency of email notification by the day.:" (Listed later in this section).
This is applicable only if it's been set as "Email (Pulldown menu)" at "Notification Method:" (Listed later in this section).
Maximum Private Items
Enter the maximum number of items to be registered in a private area.
Default value: 500
Maximum Private Indexes
Enter the maximum number of indexes for a private area.
Default value: 200
Maximum Disk Space for Private Items [MB]
Enter the maximum disk capacity for a private area by the MB.
Default value: 500
Comment Display Mode
Choose a comment display mode from the pulldown menu.
This is for XOOPS standard comment function. Note that this is not for adding comments to the items on XooNIps3.4.
Table 4.9. Comment Display Mode
Comments Sort Order
Choose either of "Oldest First" or "Newest First" from the pulldown menu.
Table 4.10. Comments Sort Order
Setup for ranking
Leave it as it is.
Notification Method: When you monitor e.g. a forum, how would you like to receive notifications of updates?
Define a manner of receiving notification messages of updated events.
Table 4.11. Notification Method
Default Notification Mode
Define the timing for being notified.
Table 4.12. Default Notification
Receive occasional email notices from administrators and moderators?
Choose "Yes", if wish to receive email messages about news update on XooNIps.
Figure 4.18. "Register New User"
The entered information can be viewed at the "User Information" (on a XooNIps website, User Menu >> User List).
Last updated