Meta Tags and Footer

Meta tags provide information about your information – they describe the nature of your website. Their main use is to help search engines and their robots to index your website correctly, i.e. to help the right people find it. The information you supply is included in the header of each webpage. It should represent the content of the site as a whole - the meta information is the same on every page, it currently cannot be customized for different modules or pages.

Be aware that the major search engines use different strategies for indexing websites. They may place different weightings on meta tags or even ignore them completely. Careful use of meta information may help your website to gain better search engine rankings and it is useful to seek information on the indexing strategies of your dominant referrers (see your website logfile). This may help you to optimise your meta information or other aspects of your site design and content to improve your rankings.

Try to be accurate and honest in providing meta information. Don’t try to ‘manipulate’ search engines to gain a better ranking – they may recognise this behaviour and your site may be downgraded or blacklisted from their index.

The Meta Tags and Footer section of the control panel has the following options:

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