
The Xmf\Module\Helper\Cache class is a module aware helper for using the system cache for module related data. The underlying cache is a key value store. This helper isolates the module related data by applying a module specific prefix to each key.

Xmf\Module\Helper\Cache extends Xmf\Module\Helper\AbstractHelper.

new Cache($dirname)

Creates the cache helper for the module specified by name as $dirname. If the string $dirname is empty, the current module in XOOPS will be used.

write($key, $value, $ttl)

Write the value $value for a key named $key to the cache, using the specified number of seconds in $ttl as the time to live.

read($key, $default)

Read value for the key named $key from the cache. If the key does not exist, it returns $default, or false if $default was not specified.


Deletes any key named $key from the cache.

cacheRead($key, $regenFunction, $ttl, $args)

The cacheRead() method combines reading and any needed regenerating of the cache entry into a single call.

First, it attempts to read the cache entry for $key, and returns it if found.

If the cache read fails, it calls the specified callable, $regenFunction, passing to it any variable arguments, $args. It writes the return of $regenFunction to the cache for $key with time to live $ttl, and returns the new cached value to the caller.

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