Working with Indexes


Get an array of indexes defined on $table

Each array entry is in the form:

    'indexname' => array(
        'columns' => 'column1, column2',
        'unique' => false

Returns an array of indexes on success, or false on error. Additional information may be available using getLastError() and getLastErrNo().

addPrimaryKey($table, $column)

Queue instruction needed to add new primary key definition ($column) for $table to the work queue. The $column string may be a single column name or a comma separated list of column names. A primary key must be unique.

Returns true on success, or false on error. Additional information may be available using getLastError() and getLastErrNo().

addIndex($name, $table, $column, $unique)

Queue instruction needed to create a new index named $name to $table with definition $column to the work queue. The $column string may be a single column name or a comma separated list of column names. If $unique is specified as true, the index will be specified as unique.

Returns true on success, or false on error. Additional information may be available using getLastError() and getLastErrNo().

dropIndex($name, $table)

Queue instruction needed to drop the index named $name on $table to the work queue.

Returns true on success, or false on error. Additional information may be available using getLastError() and getLastErrNo().


Add drop index for all (non-PRIMARY) keys for a $table to the work queue. This can be used to clean up indexes with automatically generated names.

Returns true on success, or false on error. Additional information may be available using getLastError() and getLastErrNo().


Queue instruction needed to drop the primary key definition on $table to the work queue.

Returns true on success, or false on error. Additional information may be available using getLastError() and getLastErrNo().

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