The Xmf\Module\Admin
class is a transition wrapper for Module Administration methods. To the extent possible, the next generation \Xoops\Module\Admin methods are supported. Using Xmf\Module\Admin
instead of the native Frameworks ModuleAdmin in 2.5.x makes the admin area code forward compatible.
Retrieve a module admin instance. The return instance may be an instance of Xmf\Module\Admin
, or a native system class if it is already compatible with Xmf\Module\Admin
addConfigBoxLine($value, $type)
Add a line to the config box.
This chart shows the minimal set of acceptable types and value expectation. Additional types may be available, but may produces different results based on the underlying XOOPS version.
value is message displayed directly (also used for any unknown types)
value is directory name, will display accept message if it exists, or an error if not
value is array("directory name", permission) accept if exists with permission, else error
value is string module name, or array(module, type). If module is installed an accept message displays, otherwise a warning (if $value[1]=='warning') or an error displays.
Returns true on success, otherwise false.
Add the message $value to the config box as an error
Returns true on success, otherwise false.
Add the message $value to the config box as an accept (OK) message.
Returns true on success, otherwise false.
Add the message $value to the config box as a warning.
Returns true on success, otherwise false.
addConfigModuleVersion($moddir, $minversion)
Check for installed module and version and add a config box line, an accept message if module $moddir is installed and is version $minversion or higher, otherwise an error message.
Add Info box with the specified $title.
Returns true on success, otherwise false.
addInfoBoxLine($text, $type, $color)
Add a line with text $text to the info box, with $type and $color
Returns true on success, otherwise false.
Return HTML string of rendered InfoBox.
displayInfoBox( )
Display the rendered InfoBox.
addItemButton($title, $link, $icon, $extra)
Add an Item button for displayButtonBox()
Returns true on success, otherwise false.
renderButton($position, $delimiter)
Return HTML string with all item buttons rendered.
displayButton($position, $delimiter)
Display all item buttons
Return HTML string of rendered index page for admin
Display the rendered index page for admin
Return HTML string of rendered navigation menu for the page $menu
Display the navigation menu for the page $menu
Return HTML string of rendered about page
Display the rendered about page
Static methods only available in Xmf\Module\Admin
Admin::iconUrl($name, $size)
Return an appropriate URL for system provided icons. The icon name is specified in $name. If it is blank, only the path will be returned. The size specified in $size should be 16 or 32. The default is 32.
Return an appropriate imagePath for the image named $image for use in menu.php.
set paypal for 2.5 renderAbout()/displayAbout().
Last updated