
SmartFAQ features full content Notifications. This is part of the Xoops system notifications and the options needs to be set to display in the module preferences page. Notifications are an efficient way of keeping up to date and informed of all kinds of activities in the SmartFAQ module. You can be notified for various levels of changes, from new categories created down to a new answer submitted for a specific question that you have asked. This feature provides a similar response to a 'Help Desk' . There are many options available to administrators to display notifications types. These will vary according to specific websites setups. This page outlines all available options. If you are an administrator of a site, this help page will be useful in conjunction with setting option for notifications in the preferences page .

Page: Various. (Examples of notification block may be displayed in center block [inline] or as below, or in a side block)

Submitting an open question

Submitting a Q&A

Here is the full list of available notification options available in admin/ preferences (enable specific events) with descriptions.

Click bold numbers in red open pages with template xeamples

In addition to the above notifications, there are also tick box options for notifications when you submit an open question or a Q&A. The notification is Notify me on Publish? This options is only displayed for registered users, who are in a group that is allowed to submit new answers, request open questions or update an existing answer. Anonymous users may also be allowed to submit if the site administrator configures this, however, because there are no contact details available they can not be notified of results. In this case there will be no 'Notify me on publish' tick box displayed on any submission page for anonymous users.

Notifications will be sent to you as follows:

Fig. 39 Notifications options.

Last updated