Add namespaces
The module name of the included files is set by default as 'myexample'.
In this description we say, that the name of the module, which you want to adapt, is 'mymodule'. So, if you copy the code from this tutorial then replace 'mymodule' by your module name.
Pay attention to upper case: if in the tutorial there is 'Mymodule' then your module name must also starts with upper case.
In this example we say mymodule contains categories and items
1) copy the folder /preloads to your module and change the name of the class in core.php
the first character must be capital (MymoduleCorePreload, not mymoduleCorePreload)
2) split each class in your folder /class folder into Class and ClassHandler
e.g. you have till now "items.php"
split into Items.php and ItemsHandler.php (first character of module name must be capital, and "Handler" must also start with capital)
add to each
(first character of module name must be capital)
in Items.php
remove the ItemsHandler code (all from "class MymodulesItemsHandler extends XoopsPersistableObjectHandler")
in ItemsHandler.php
remove the Class code (all from "class MymodulesItems extends XoopsObject")
change in:
public function __construct(\XoopsDatabase $db)
the same for categories.php
3) add or replace Helper.php class
for consistency we call the class "Helper" and the variable "$helper" in all modules. Because it will be in namespace, we'll know exactly from which module it is coming from during debugging, so there is no need anymore to call it "$publisher", etc.
replace in Helper.php
4) replace all instantiation calls to the ClassHandler classes using XOOPS
to call directly, e.g calling handler for items in mymodule
or using Helper
Please note: use the exact name of the class, incl. first letter in CAPS, because we don't want the Helper to deal with it, since some classes might have names like "ClassBestInTheWorld"
5) when you using a namespaced Class, add on top the import code, e.g.:
6) replace all Xoops classes by calling the namespaces
general Xoops objects
Xoops form objects
7) Usage of Xmf\Request
Add to each file where you want to replace XoopsRequest by Xmf\Request the call
now you can repace e.g.
One more thing
in few cases you might include in header.php the call:
Because some files might not be aware of the namespaces.
Last updated