To configure email ticket submission some additional steps are necessary. First you need to create a POP3 email account for each department that will receive email. Next, go to "Manage Departments" in the xhelp Admin Panel. Next, edit the department you wish to hold the newly created tickets. Next, Add a new mailbox to monitor:
Mailbox Type - currently the only option is POP3.
Server - DNS name of mail server (get from your hosting provider)
Port - Mail Service Port Number. For POP3 this is usually 110.
Username - Username to access mailbox (get from your hosting provider)
Password - Password to access mailbox (also get from your hosting provider)
Default Ticket Priority - Adjust default priority for incoming tickets.
Reply-To Email Address - the email address for this account. Used for
handling replies (responses) to tickets.
Repeat this process for each mailbox you wish to monitor.
Once all mailboxes have been added, you need to setup a scheduled task or a cron job to check these mailboxes on a regular basis.
For *nix machines the following crontab line should do the trick:
Unfortunately we cannot support you in the configuration of this scheduled task. Please contact your hosting provider with any questions.
Custom Fields Use Cases
1. Get the custom fields for a given department
$hTicketCustField = xoops_getModuleHandler('ticketCustomField');
$fields =& $hTicketCustField->getByDept($deptid);
foreach($fields as $field) {
echo $field->getVar('name'); //Display Pretty Name for field
echo $field->getVar('description'); //Display Pretty Description
echo $field->getVar('fieldname'); //name of element in form
echo $field->getVar('controltype'); //which type of form element to display
echo $field->getVar('required'); //Is this entry required?
echo $field->getVar('weight'); //Which order should this field be displayed
$values = $field->getValues(); // An hash of name / value pairs
echo $field->getVar('defaultvalue'); //Default value of field
$validators = $field->getValidators(); //An array of validation objects to validate data entry
echo $field->getVar('promptuser');
echo $ticket->getCustomVar($field->getVar('fieldname')); // get the current fields value
3. Retrieving a custom ticket var from form submission and storing it in the ticket
// ... Retrieve a list of fields expected for this department (in $fields)
// ... Set normal ticket values
// Set value for each custom field
foreach ($fields as $field) {
$fieldname = $field->getVar('fieldname');
$submission = $_POST[$fieldname];
//... Validate Entry
if ($validEntry) {
$ticket->setCustomVar($fieldname, $submission);
// Store ticket (and custom fields)
$ret = $hTicket->insert($ticket);
4. Get Custom Fields for a ticket (after dept is set)
$fields = $ticket->getCustomFields();
xHelp Events Service
// * All functions should return a boolean unless otherwise noted
* Getting an instance of the xHelp event service
$_eventSrv =& xhelp_eventService::singleton();
* Listening for an event
* @param string $event_name Event to listen for
* @param object $obj Object that will handle the event
* @param string $function_name Name of callback function within object
* @return int Value used to identify callback function in future
$id = $_eventSrv->advise($event_name, $obj, $function_name);
* Stop listening for an event
* @param string $event_name Event to stop listening to
* @param int $id ID for callback function (from advise)
$_eventSrv->unadvise($event_name, $id);
* Event: batch_delete_ticket
* Triggered after a batch ticket deletion
* @param array $tickets The xhelp\Ticket objects that were deleted
function batch_delete_ticket($tickets)
* Event: batch_dept
* Triggered after a batch ticket department change
* @param array $tickets The xhelp\Ticket objects that were modified
* @param int $department The new department for the tickets
function batch_dept($tickets, $department)
* Event: batch_owner
* Triggered after a batch ticket ownership change
* @param array $tickets The xhelp\Ticket objects that were modified
* @param int $owner The XOOPS UID of the new owner
function batch_owner($tickets, $owner)
* Event: batch_priority
* Triggered after a batch ticket priority change
* @param array $tickets The xhelp\Ticket objects that were modified
* @param int $priority The new ticket priority
function batch_priority($tickets, $priority)
* Event: batch_response
* Triggered after a batch response addition
* Note: the $response->getVar('ticketid') field is empty for this function
* @param array $tickets The xhelp\Ticket objects that were modified
* @param xhelp\Responses $response The response added to each ticket
function batch_response($tickets, $response)
* Event: batch_status
* Triggered after a batch ticket status change
* @param array $tickets The xhelp\Ticket objects that were modified
* @param xhelp\Status $status The new ticket status
function batch_status($tickets, $status)
* Event: close_ticket
* Triggered after a ticket's status change from a status
* with a state of XHELP_STATE_UNRESOLVED to a status
* with a state of XHELP_STATE_RESOLVED
* Also See: update_status, reopen_ticket
* @param xhelp\Ticket $ticket The ticket that was closed
function close_ticket($ticket)
* Event: delete_department
* Triggered after a department is removed from xHelp
* @param xhelp\Department $dept Department that was removed
function delete_department($dept)
* Event: delete_field
* Triggered after a custom field is removed from xHelp
* @param xhelp\TicketField $field Custom field that was removed
function delete_field($field)
* Event: delete_file
* Triggered after a file is removed from a ticket
* @param xhelp\File $file File that was removed
function delete_file($file)
* Event: delete_responseTpl
* Triggered after a staff auto-response is deleted
* @param xhelpResponseTemplates $responseTpl auto-response that was deleted
function delete_responseTpl($responseTpl)
* Event: delete_staff
* Triggered after a staff member is removed from xHelp
* @param xhelp\Staff $staff Staff Member that was removed
function delete_staff($staff)
* Event: delete_ticket
* Triggered after a ticket is deleted
* @param xhelp\Ticket $ticket Ticket that was deleted
function delete_ticket($ticket)
* Event: edit_response
* Triggered after a response has been modified
* Also See: new_response
* @param xhelp\Ticket $newTicket Ticket after modifications
* @param xhelp\Responses $newResponse Modified response
* @param xhelp\Ticket $oldTicket Ticket before modifications
* @param xhelp\Responses $oldResponse Response modifications
function edit_response($newTicket, $newResponse, $oldTicket, $oldResponse)
* Event: edit_ticket
* Triggered after a ticket is modified
* @param xhelp\Ticket $oldTicket Ticket information before modifications
* @param xhelp\Ticket $newTicket Ticket information after modifications
function edit_ticket($oldTicket, $newTicket)
* Event: merge_tickets
* Triggered after two tickets are merged
* @param int $ticket1 First ticketid being merged
* @param int $ticket2 Second ticketid being merged
* @param int $mergedTicket Resulting ticketid after merge
function merge_tickets($ticket1, $ticket2, $mergedTicket)
* Event: new_faq
* Triggered after FAQ addition
* @param xhelp\Ticket $ticket Ticket used as base for FAQ
* @param xhelp\Faq $faq FAQ that was added
function new_faq($ticket, $faq)
* Event: new_file
* Triggered after a file is added to a ticket
* @param xhelp\Ticket $ticket Ticket file was attached to
* @param xhelp\File $file Information about file uploaded
function new_file($ticket, $file)
* Event: new_response
* Triggered after a response has been added to a ticket
* @param xhelp\Ticket $ticket Ticket containing response
* @param xhelp\Responses $newResponse Response that was added
function new_response($ticket, $newResponse)
* Event: new_response_rating
* Triggered after a user rates a staff member response
* @param xhelp\StaffReview $review Review specifics
* @param xhelp\Ticket $ticket Ticket that was reviewed
* @param xhelp\Responses $response Exact response that was reviewed
function new_response_rating($review, $ticket, $response)
* Event: new_ticket
* Triggered after a ticket is added to the helpdesk
* @param xhelp\Ticket $ticket Ticket that was added
function new_ticket($ticket)
* Event: new_user_by_email
* Triggered after new user account is created during ticket submission
* @param string $password Password for new account
* @param XoopsUser $xoopsUser XOOPS user object for new account
function new_user_by_email($password, $xoopsUser)
* Event: reopen_ticket
* Triggered after a ticket's status change from a status
* with a state of XHELP_STATE_RESOLVED to a status
* with a state of XHELP_STATE_UNRESOLVED
* Also See: update_status, close_ticket
* @param xhelp\Ticket $ticket The ticket that was re-opened
function reopen_ticket($ticket)
* Event: update_owner
* Triggered after ticket ownership change (Individual)
* Also See: batch_owner
* @param xhelp\Ticket $ticket Ticket that was changed
* @param int $oldOwner UID of previous owner
* @param int $newOwner UID of new owner
function update_owner($ticket, $oldOwner, $newOwner)
* Event: update_priority
* Triggered after a ticket priority is modified
* Also See: batch_priority
* @param xhelp\Ticket $ticket Ticket that was modified
* @param int $oldPriority Previous ticket priority
function update_priority($ticket, $oldPriority)
* Event: update_status
* Triggered after a ticket status change
* Also See: batch_status, close_ticket, reopen_ticket
* @param xhelp\Ticket $ticket The ticket that was modified
* @param xhelp\Status $oldStatus The previous ticket status
* @param xhelp\Status $newStatus The new ticket status
function update_status($ticket, $oldStatus, $newStatus)
* Event: view_ticket
* Triggered after a staff member views a ticket
* @param xhelp\Ticket $ticket Ticket that was viewed
function view_ticket($ticket)