
Blocks are discreet sections of content that can be created and configured in the admin interface. Custom blocks can be created and are typically made up of text, graphics and pictures. The content in these blocks may be formatted individually or inherit the site formatting. Blocks may also be part of a modules display output. The blocks administration page is where all blocks are configured and administered.

Blocks are like a newspapers' front page: they are teasers that incite readers to read more complete stories in the inside pages. Blocks offer small bits of dynamic content with links to the actual content stored in the module. They are often used to place HTML content, banners or pictures, and the site administrators can easily create their own blocks with the "custom block" feature.

For more information about Blocks, please visit the Blocks section of our XOOPS Operations Guide

Publisher has following 11 Blocks available to use:

Here you can see a overview of the individual Blocks:

Let's go and discuss them now in detail:

Recent items List

Recent items (Detail)

In the Spotlight!

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Categories Menu block

Latest uploaded files

Articles from date to date


Latest news

Search block

Category items select

Last updated