4.4 Permissions
Last updated
Last updated
This tab shows detailed permissions for various aspects of Publisher.
There are several key sections for Permissions to:
View Categories
Submit Articles
Moderate Article within each Category
use special extra fields as a submitter
use specific Text Editors provided by XOOPS
search and rate articles
Let's discuss these sections in more detail:
You have listed here ALL categories and sub-categories, and ALL groups of users. You can then select which group can see which category.
For example, you could create a private group for paid subscribers interested in Antiques, and only they could see a specific Category dedicated to Antques.
The same as above, but you can decide who can submit Articles to which Category
For example, for the Subcategory1 you can create a special Category called "Sub1-Moderators" and assign specific users to moderate it.
These are extra fields that can be made available to specific group. Please view the image below: this is the Article submission form without any of these special: fields.
If you compare it to the images shown in the Articles section, this is a huge difference!
Below is more info about the individual fields. Please test them, so you feel more comfortable, and can make a better decision which ones are the most appropriate for your Blog or News.
Available pages to wrap
Should the submitter be able to create links to wrap documents
Can the submitter see and submit tags for the article?
Article image
Option to be able to submit images
File upload
Option to submit files
Poster name
Published date
Can the poster set the date of publishing?
Can the poster set the status of the article?
Short URL
Can the poster set the Short URL?
Meta Keywords
Can the poster add Meta Keywords?
Meta Description
Can the poster add the Meta Description?
Can the poster set the weight for sorting?
Can article be commented?
Can the poster decide who can submit comments?
Enable HTML tags
Can the poster enable/disable HTML codes?
Enable smiley icons
Can the poster enable/disable Smiley icons?
Enable XOOPS codes
Can the poster enable/disable XOOPS codes?
Enable images
Can the poster enable/disable images in the article?
Enable line break
Can the poster enable/disable line breaks?
Notify on publish?
Can the poster set the notification after publication?
Sub title
Can the poster add a sub-title?
Author alias
Can the poster set her Alias?
Here you can decide which Group can moderate which Category.
This are the standard Text Editors provided by XOOPS, however, you can download and install many others
Here the Admin can decide which groups can search on articles, and which one can rate the articles.