Administration Menu

The following functions are available in the CMS module administration interface. These functions are typically available only to the system administrator, but the CMS allows delegation of administrative function for the entire system or specific modules.

gwloto Center

If everything is set up correctly, this will just display some information about gwloto. It will run several tests, checking for possible issues. If found, any issues will be displayed in an annotated To Do list form.

Top Level Places

For gwloto to function, at least one top level place must be created. A top level place is a place without a parent place. As the authority to create a place comes from the parent place, this becomes an system (or module) administrator function.

When creating a top level place you must choose an "admin" user for the place. This admin user will be granted the "Edit Authorities" authority for the new place. This admin user does not have to have module administration rights. The designated admin user can then assign additional authorities related to the new top level place any defined system users.

Underneath the entry panel is a list of defined top level places. Beside each place description is an option to "Add Admin." This button will allow the system administrator to assign "Edit Authorities" for a place to a user. This can be especially useful in the case that original administrator account has been deactivated, or if the assigned administrator has inadvertently removed the permission from his or her account.


Installation of gwloto will define a default language. If you will not be using the multilingual features, no additional attention needs to be given to the languages section.

Multilingual Considerations

Gwloto's language features supplement the base CMS language features. For complete multilingual support, you will need to install the appropriate language pack(s) for your CMS. The CMS language support is built on language folders. With the main CMS directory, there is a "language" folder. Inside that is an "english" folder which contains files defining all the phrases used in the base CMS in the English language. If you want to add, for example, español, you will be adding an additional folder, "spanish" which will include the phrases in that language. In addition to the base CMS, each installed module also has a "language" directory following the same structure.

The CMS allows definition of a system wide language, as well as a per user language. XOOPS has a multilingual support feature with a xLanguage module, allowing switching language on the fly with a single click.

To define additional languages within gwloto, you will need to complete the system generated default language entry in the module administration area, and add the additional language(s). A language definition in this context includes the following:

  • Language ID - system generated, the default language is always '0'

  • Language Caption - display name for the language

  • ISO 639-1 Code - two letter code used for translation and mapping to CMS features

  • Folder - the CMS language folder name for this language.

If gwloto does not include support for your chosen language, you may need to supply translation files.

In addition to the normal module files, gwloto also has a language folder within its own "plugins" directory. These language files follow the same folder conventions and are similar in concept to the normal language files, but are implemented slightly differently to allow multiple languages to be used simultaneously when generating tags and reports.

Within gwloto, the creation of new places, control plans, control points and media items always occurs in the default language, then translations can be added. If, when called up for display, a given entity does not have a translation for the requested language, the default language version will be returned.


Job related output, such as tags or log sheets are generated by plugins. A plugin is a small PHP program which generates the actual output from data supplied by gwloto. Plugins files are located in the modules/gwloto/plugins folder, and are identified by special signature block which supplies information to the system.

Plugins allow you to adapt gwloto output to your specific requirements, such as alternative output methods, conforming to specific tag stock, inclusion of specific wordings, positioning of specific fields, etc.

Install and Remove Plugins

This page displays all available plugins and the current status of each. A plugin must be installed to be usable within the system. You can install, remove or edit a plugin by clicking the appropriate button in the Action column.

Edit Plugin

When installed, a plugin creates an entry in the default language based on the information contained in the plugin signature in the PHP file. You can edit this information and add language translations if needed by using the Edit Plugin function.

Reorder Plugins

By default, plugins are shown for selection in the print functions in same the order in which they were installed. To change the display order, use the Reorder Plugins function.

NOTE: This reordering does not affect the display in the Plugins section of the module administration area.

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