In the module preferences you can set various options for this module:

3.1 Options in detail
Select the template you want use for showing the legal notices on userside. Following templates are available: default (default format for paragraphs) table-style (Use default table style) block-style (Use default block style) xbootstrap (Use xbootstrap - xbootstrag must be also available)
You can decide, which editor should be used for editing on admin sides for handling your versions/contents. Xoops offers by default 3 editors:
1) onlyText
This editor can be used for saving pure text
2) DHTML with xCode
An Editor with various Xoops-Tags
3) TinyMCE
Extended texteditor with a lot of options for formatting, lists, and so on. The text will be save as HTML-Code in your database.
Attention: if you display text, which is created with TinyMCE, diplay later with e.g. the DHTML-Editor, you will see all the Html-Tags. Please use in this case again TinyMCE or remove all HTML-Tags.
Default-Server for checking online-versions
Define default server/website, which should be used for checking and downloading of available online versions. Predefined is the website of module developer.
Allow download of your legal notes
Define, whether you want to allow other xoops developers to download the legal notes of your database. Additionally you have to define for each version seperately, whether it should be downloadable or not.
You can add keywords, which are added to the meta tags. Seperate the keywords by comma.
Admin pager
You can define the number of items for lists in admin area.
Last updated