Misc options
You can decide, which editor should be used for editing on admin sides. Xoops offers by default 3 editors:
1) onlyText
This editor can be used for saving pure text
2) DHTML with xCode
An Editor with various Xoops-Tags
3) TinyMCE
Extended texteditor with a lot of options for formatting, lists, and so on. The text will be save as HTML-Code in your database.
Attention: if you display text, which is created with TinyMCE, diplay later with e.g. the DHTML-Editor, you will see all the Html-Tags. Please use in this case again TinyMCE or remove all HTML-Tags.
You can add keywords, which are added to the meta tags. Seperate the keywords by comma.
Add jquery library
If you use already jquery (e.g. in your theme) then set to NO
Maintained By
Allow url of support site or community
Comment Rules
The standard comment rules of XOOPS are available
Disable Comments
Comments are always approved
Comments by Registered users are always approvedA
All comments need to be approved by Admin
Allow anonymous comments
Decide if you want allow anonymous users to post comments. Very often, this results in a lot of spam messages
Enable Notification
This module allows users to be notified when certain events occur. Select if users should be presented with notification options in a Block (Block-style), within the module (Inline-style), or both. For block-style notification, the Notification Options block must be enabled for this module.
Enable Specific Events
Select which notification events to which your users may subscribe. Following events are available:
Global notification
Send notification when a new album was created
Send notification when any album was modified
Send notification when an album is waiting for approval
Send notification when any album was deleted
Send notification when new image was uploaded
Send notification when an image was deleted from any album
Albums notification
Send notification when this album was modified
Send notification when this album was deleted
Send notification when a new image was uploaded to this album
Send notification when an image is waiting for approval
Send notification when a new image was deleted from this album
Last updated