RSSFit: Extendable Xml News Feed Generator
Distributing web content in RSS format becomes popular nowadays. RSSFit helps you to broadcast the latest updates of your XOOPS site by generating an validated RSS feed, allowing your visitors to subscribe by using an RSS reader software.
Unlike the official XML backend of XOOPS that works just for news, webmasters can decide what to be displayed in the XML output by activating installed plug-ins. RSSFit currently provides plug-ins for importing latest entries from the official modules: News, Newbb, myLinks, myDownloads and the popular unofficial module WF-Sections. Module developers can write a plug-in for RSSFit easily with the reference of the prepared plug-in example.
Reading an XML document with a web browser is quite draggy. RSSFit gives a better presentation when the XML output is rendered in modern browsers with the provided XML stylesheet.
Key features:
Plug-in system with several modules pre-installed
Plug-in example for module developers
RSS 2.0 validated Smarty template
Multi-byte languages compatible
System Requirements
XOOPS 2.5.9+
PHP 5.5+
Last updated