Mymenus separates logic from presentation almost 100%!
It is mymenus task to generate an array with menus information and let each skin decide what to do with that information.
How can skin know when to open a new <li> or <ul> and when to close it?
Mymenus append that information to each menu item, that way you can know if that item should be prefixed with a or not.
This is the composition of an item array:
[id] => 3 (id of the menu item)
[pid] => 0 (id of the parent menu item)
[mid] => 2 (id of the menu package)
[title] => Home (title of the menu item)
[alt_title] => Home (alt/title of the menu item)
[visible] => 1 (visibility of the menu item, it will be 1 for all menus,you can disregard it)
[link] => http://localhost/xoops-2.4.5/htdocs/ (alt/title of the menu item)
[weight] => 1 (this is for internal usage of the builder class, you can disregard it)
[target] => _self (to be used in link target element, it can be _self, _blank, etc..)
[groups] => Array (holds the groups who can view this link, you can disregard it)
([0] => 2
[1] => 3
[hooks] => Array (holds the hooks available to render the menu, you can disregard it)
[image] => (image to be used in the link, you can choose not to support it in your skin)
[css] => (this is inline css for this item, it goes inside <a style="$item.css">)
[oul] => 1 (IMPORTANT! Open UL -> this menu item requires skin to prepend <ul> open element tag)
[oli] => 1 (IMPORTANT! Open LI -> this menu item requires skin to prepend <li> open element tag)
[close] => (IMPORTANT! this holds closing tags, it will automatically generate </li></ul> tags for you)
[cul] => (IMPORTANT! Close UL -> this menu item requires skin to append </ul> close element tag, you should use [close] instead, unless you are not supporting multilevel menus)
[cli] => (IMPORTANT! Close LI -> this menu item requires skin to append </li> close element tag, you should use [close] instead, unless you are not supporting multilevel menus)
[hassub] => 1 (informs if this menu item has submenus, 1 for true, 0 for false)
[level] => 0 (informs the level of nesting of the menu item, 0 is for root, 1 for second level, etc..)
[down_weight] => 3 (for usage in menu sorting in admin side, you can ignore it)
[selected] => 1 (IMPORTANT, this tells the skin to highlight this item)
[topselected] => 1 (Important, this informs the skin that the menu is of level 0(root) and it is selected, you should highlight it)
Skin structure
Skins go into
"mymenus/skins" folder or
"public_html/themes/yourtheme/menu" folder
and they should have a skin_version.php file in it
skin_version.php structure:
//informs where to find the template for this skin(relative to skin folder)
$skinVersion['template'] = 'templates/template.tpl';
//informs where to find css file/files
$skinVersion['css'] = 'assets/css/superfish.css';
$skinVersion['css'] = array('css/superfish.css', css/anotherone.css);
//informs where to find js file/files
$skinVersion['js'] = '../../js/assets/jquery-1.3.2.min.js';
This can be fetched in template with <{$config.home}> and <{$config.iconset}>
Smarty variables available in the template
$block - holds an array of menu items
$config - holds configuration set in skin_version.php
$skinurl - holds the url of the skin
$skinpath - holds the path of the skin
For Theme designers
Since users can choose the smarty variable for each menu,
I would advise you to use <{$xoops_links_navbar}> as a place holder.
If you provide a skin for your theme, ask users to:
-- --enter "xoops_links_navbar" as unique_id in block settings.
-- --set "render to smarty variable" in block settings.
-- --set "use skin from theme" in block settings.
Important to know:
Links and images are relative to the root of your site:
For linking to external sites you need to use complete url:
You can use DECORATORS for links, images, title, and alt_title.
The decorators follow this syntax:
There are 6 decorators available:
USER -> gets info for the user that is seeing the page
OWNER -> gets info for the user that match uid on the url(if given)
URI -> gets info about the url arguments
MODULE -> gets dynamic menu from a module (Used in title field only)
SMARTY -> gets smarty variables
CONSTANT -> gets defined constants
Some syntax examples{USER|UNAME} gets the username of this user, returns anonymous if not a user{USER|UID} gets the uid of this user, returns 0 if not a user{USER|REGDATE} gets the regdate of this user, returns empty if not a user{USER|any other field of the user table} yes! You can get what you need!Some special fields you may use:
{USER|PM_NEW} Show number of private messages not read