
This module will help you organize a Congress or Conference.The idea is that you can add a congress, the tracks, the speaker information and the speeches\/presentations that they give. When all this information is entered in the database, the module will create a grid for you with all the information well organized.

Currently the module lacks of a lot o features I will like it to have, but anyway, it's better to release something useful than have a great project on paper.


  • Automatic speeches' program grid creation

  • Multiple tracks, sections, speekers, speeches supported

  • Languages english and spanish- Multiple congresses supported (but only one can be shown at a time):

Short explanation:

First you need to add a Congress\/Conference with start and end date.

A Conference (or Congress) is the whole event, the grid will only show the speeches that are between this conference start and end date. So be careful not to place a speech outside the congress'dates.

A Track is something used at congresses to organize the speeches, the idea is that a particular person won't have to face (at least not too many times) the "I want to be at two different presentations at the same time".

So what you do is organize the speeches in thematic tracks (like: Programming, System Administration, Security, Documentation, Philosophy). The tracks are shown verticaly, throughout the whole congress, and you can't have a speech that belongs to two different tracks (sorry, that's not implemented yet). So be carefull not to have too many tracks (4, maybe 5 at the most is recommended).

There're also the Sections, these are specificaly for congress information data. Things like "Hotels close to the event", "Location", "Who's giving this event", "Sponsors", anything directly related with the event. These sections will show as a header for almost every page.

The Speaker information is independent of the congress itself, so you can reuse this person's information in another event.

The Speeches have a strong relation with the congress, track and speaker, so it is the last thing you will fill out.

Well, I know it's a short description but its a start. Any comments, suggestions and ideas feel free to report them to me. And thanks for using it.

This module is released under the GPL LICENSE.

Daniel Coletti (

Last updated