The page "index.php"

The index page is composed from 3 parts :

  1. A menu (automatically generated)

  2. Custom infos box if desired.

  3. A configuration info box.

To create an index, we userenderIndex():


By default there are only 2 configurations listed :

  1. PHP Version (obtained from the variable $modversion['min_php'] inside xoops_version.php).

  2. XOOPS version (obtained from the variable $modversion['min_xoops'] inside xoops_version.php).

If both variables are defined in xoops_version.php, we get automatically this info box:

We can add 3 other types of configuration. 1. Display text. 1. Verifying the existence of a file. 1. Checking the chmod of a file.

To add a configuration line, on we use addConfigBoxLine():

$variable_name->addConfigBoxLine($value, $type);
  • $value : With type 'folder' we have to put the folder path. With type 'chmod' we have to put a table with the folder path as a first parameter and the desired chmod as as a second one.

  • $type : 'default', 'folder' or 'chmod'.


$variable_name = new ModuleAdmin(); 
$variable_name->addInfoBoxLine("Title", 'Text %s ...', 'value', 'red', 'default');
$variable_name->addConfigBoxLine('----Hello world----', 'default'); 
$folder = XOOPS_ROOT_PATH . '/uploads/modulename/'; 
$variable_name->addConfigBoxLine($folder, 'folder');
$variable_name->addConfigBoxLine(array($folder, '777'), 'chmod'); 
echo $variable_name->addNavigation('index.php'); 
echo $variable_name->renderIndex();

The Result:

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