Assets: the Basics
Asset Management allows you to:
Specify a file or set of files as an asset
Specify filters to apply to that asset
Create a static file from the asset for the browser to load which :
Contains the content of all the specified files
Has all the specified filters applied
Is transferred as a single unit
XOOPS Asset Management is built on Assetic, by Kris Wallsmith.
For a deeper understanding of some of the concepts, review the documentation available at:
Let's dive now deeper to get better understanding of the Asset files:
An asset can be a set of script or stylesheet files, not both
An asset is defined by an array of file specifications
A file can be specified by a fully qualified filesystem name, or by a path resolvable by the XOOPS path() function
A file specification can also be a wildcard pattern
XOOPS Asset Management comes configured with a subset of the possible Assetic filters. One major criteria for the selection of these filters is they are all implemented in PHP and require no additional binary packages to be installed on the server. These filters are portable and will be available for use where ever XOOPS is installed.
Filters are specified as a string of comma separated filter names. A filter name can be preceded with a question mark (“?”) to turn it off during debugging.
These are the available filters:
If no filters are specified, default filters will be applied.
Assets Location: Core
Managed assets are stored in the “assets” directory in the XOOPS web root
stylesheets in css sub-directory
scripts in js sub-directory
These managed directories can be cleared, and contents will be recreated as needed
Other subdirectories, such as fonts, are managed differently
Assets Location: Core
Module's Assets are also placed in an “assets” folder, similar to Core In order to take advantage of Assetic, current modules should convert to this folder structure
Lazy Management
Each page load specifies the set of assets it needs
The lists of files, modification times, and filters to apply are used to build unique asset names
If the static file with that name does not exist, the asset files are processed and filtered, and the static file is created
There are no separate formula extraction or preprocessing steps needed
Last updated